Department of Materials Science & Engineering

Lendület 2


Composite metal foams (CMFs) are hybrid structures in which the foam structure can be interpreted as a composite (the metallic matrix contains hollow particles). The main advantages of CMFs are their low density, high specific strength and outstanding mechanical energy absorption. The proposed research would deal with the production of CMFs (Work Package 1, WP1), including their mass production by die casting, their application as stiffeners and energy absorbers in sandwich panels, tubes and other opened or closed hollow sections and their joining technologies (by materials, e. g. brazing and welding. During the development of CMFs, the traditional strengthening methods have reached their limits; therefore, novel techniques like reinforcement of the matrix (WP2, by particles, short fibres or composite wires) or the modification of the fillers (WP3, non-spherical fillers) would also be studied in detail. Last but not least, the recycling of the CMFs is a serious question. Therefore, the WP4 is devoted to investigating the recyclability of the CMFs, including remelting and production of CMFs from the recycled materials. For the successful fulfilment and complete understanding of the above-mentioned aims, extensive microstructural and mechanical tests and their critical evaluation are needed and planned. As a result, a better understanding, as well as the broadening of the beneficial application possibilities of CMFs is expected.

The MTA-BME Lendület „Momentum” High-performance Composite Metal Foams Research Group is established to explore new materials and relationships in the field of CMFs for diverse structural applications.

Other activities

All of the members of the MTA-BME Lendület „Momentum” High-performance Composite Metal Foams Research Group are also active in teaching of materials testing and engineering, physics and applied mechanics.

Project Leader:

  • Imre Norbert Orbulov, DSc

Project Members:

  • Kornél Májlinger, PhD, senior researcher
  • Csilla Wiener, PhD, senior researcher
  • Péter Szalva, PhD, senior researcher
  • Alexandra Kemény, researcher
  • Dóra Kovács, researcher
  • János Endre Maróti, PhD student
  • Gábor Pados, BSc student
  • Benedek Szovák, BSc student
  • Project Administrator: Ágnes Nagy, administrator

    All publications are available in The Hungarian Scientific Bibliography
  1. Kovács, Márió ; Pere, Balázs ; Orbulov, Imre Norbert
    Application of Substructure Techniques to Syntactic Metal Foams in a Finite Element Environment
    PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA-MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Online first, published online: 21th August 2023. p. Online first, published online: 21th August 2023. (2023)
  2. Kemény, Alexandra
    Development and characterisation of bimodal composite metal foams and composite metal foam-filled tubes
    Pattantyús Ábrahám Géza Gépészeti Tudományok Doktori Iskola, Dissertation: 2023

Kemény, Alexandra; Kovács, Dóra: Hogyan írjunk és prezentáljunk TDK dolgozatot? Lendületes példákkal
2023. 10. 5. 18:30 – Online



Please feel free to contact!

Dr. Imre Norbert Orbulov
Project Leader
MTA-BME Lendület Composite Research Group
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Budapest University of Technology and Economics

MT Building
7 Bertalan Lajos u.
Budapest, Hungary, H-1111
tel: +361 463-2386

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